Browsing around various blogs I found the post about Shattered Sun Offensive quests I'd been looking for over at
Five Fingers of Fury. It's going to be a while until I can use it, but I wanted a copy here in case I lose it again:
SSO Dailies for multiboxersSo there I was at work last week, bored and realizing I needed to grind rep for SSO for the shield/neck/weapons but already hating what I had been doing due to the mana residue and naga ore quests. I decided since I didn’t feel like doing any work on my project I’d try to find the fastest way to get rep in a multi-boxer friendly way but with maximum efficiency and minimum collection, so I now present it for your laughter and ridicule.
I’d also like to firstly say thanks to Suvega for his
thread on his dailies routine that gave me the basis for the 3 macros I use in this routine.
Phase 1:1. Send 1 character to QD Isle, have rest at Shat (helps at the end of the night to use the Dalarian Teleport scroll on 4 characters and leave one at QD, or have a mage), and have the character at DQ grab
Rediscovering Your Roots and head to Shat
2. At Shat have all characters grab
Sunfury Attack Plans3. Head east out of Shat up to Razorfang Ridge, have group loot on FFA and kill
Razorthorn Flayers (which will drop
Razorthorn Flayer Gland) until you have 1 gland on each character
4. Have each character use a gland on a ravager each (make sure the ravager is moving before you use a gland on it…they like to go into evade mode up there and then you waste the gland)
5. Once all characters have a ravager each go up to a mound of dirt and use the following macro on all characters. The ravagers will dig up one
Razorthorn Root each, grab one per character and move to the next mound until you have 5 of them each
/cast Expose Razorthorn Root
6. Mount up and head northeast until you hit the Throne of Kil’Jaeden and the quest giver there
7. Grab
Blood for Blood and
Blast the Gateway then have everyone use their
Sizzling Embers to get the little fireball ready
8. Start running round and killing
Incandecent Fel Sparks until your balls level up to unstable status (the Fel Sparks will also level up your balls if you are just near them when they die as well, so if you see someone killing one run over to them and benefit, or if you are already killing one pull it over and let everyone benefit).
9. While doing this also kill 4
Wrath Herald and loot them with your main char to get 4
Demonic Blood to power your
Fel Siphon10. Once you have the 4 bloods, go find
Felblood Initiates, use the Fel Siphon on one and tap it at the same time with one of your other characters to stop someone getting the credit for it. Once the drain has channeled the mob will turn into an
Emaciated Felblood but WAIT until you see it lose its amour and turn to a white skin before killing it or you won’t get credit
11. Once you have killed the 4 initiates, run back through the demonic gateway with your unstable fireballs to blow it up and hand in the quests there
12. Fly back over to Honor Hold and get a bird to Area 52
13. Run up to Manaforge B’Nar and kill mobs until
Sunfury Attack Plans drop. It’s random drop with round 20% droprate I think but it’s group lootable.
Phase 2:14. Head back to Shat and go through the portal to QD, drop down into the bottom of the building and grab
The Battle Must Go On,
Know Your Ley Lines and
The Air Strikes Must Continue15. Leave the building and head southeast to the Dawning Square, kill 6 demons and the Emmisary of Hate (though will usually find it already dead) and have your main use the banner on it to finish The Battle Must Go On for the group. Also have your main use the astromancer crystal near the portal for part 1 of Know Your Ley Line
16. Head back up to the building north of the square, where the armorer is, grab
Keeping The Enemy At Bay on the first floor landing and
Crush the Dawnblade on the top floor
17. Head back down and noth to the boat on the right of the inn, grab
Disrupt The Greengill Coast here
18. Head east to the greengill coast, kill
Darkspine Sirens and loot the
Orb of Murloc Control that each one drops on your main then proceed to use them on murlocs as you head west to the small shrine in the water
19. Have your main use the astromancer crystal at the shrine, all in group will get second part of Know Your Ley Lines done
20. Head back west to the boat and hand in Disrupt The Green Gill Coast
21. Head west to the inn, hand in Rediscovering Your Roots
22. Head west to the flightmaster, have all characters right-click to bring up the gossip screen with him and then use the following macro on all characters to have them mount and fly at the same time for The Air Strikes Must Continue
/script SelectGossipOption(1)
23. Hotkey the arcane charges for this quest and then once you are in the dead scar just spam and target. It will likely take a few flights before you work out the positions of the mobs you need and even then it may take 2 flights to complete the quest depending on number of people also doing it and your accuracy
24. Have everyone right click the guy next to the flight master again and use the following macro to start all characters at the same time on Keeping The Enemy At Bay
/script SelectGossipOption(2)
25. Again, hotkey the flaming oil and use if once on the mast of each ship you pass on the flight path to set fire to the sails of each ship. For the third ship wait until you turn and fly up past it’s side to be in range.
26. Once you land, stay on the first ship and kill the 6
Dawnblade Reservists you need there as I found it’s annoying to get onto the other ships, need to jump and move up out of the water so usually will accept a wait time on that boat
27. Once the quest is completed have all characters right click the dragonhawk and use the Dead Scar macro to head back to QD
28. Head south into the small building with the quatermaster in it and grab
Further Conversions then back out and head south to the Dawnblade area
29. Kill dawnblades as you go for Crush the Dawnblade and head into the big building to find 3 summoners around a blood crystal. The summoners are always in evade mode on Proudmoore so I’m not sure if they will agro or not, but head in there and have your main use the astromancer crystal to finish off Know Your Ley Lines
30. Once you have finished Crush the Dawnblade go SW and kill any
Erratic Sentry you see, have your main use the Attuned Crystal Core on them until you have 5 and then head back to QD center
Phase 3:31. Hand in Further Conversions at the quartermaster building
32. Hand in Know Your Ley Lines, The Air Strikes Must Continue and The Battle Must Go On in the center building
33. Head to armory building and hand in Keeping The Enemy At Bay and then up the top to hand in Crush The Dawnblade
34. Head back to Shat (I use the teleport scrolls from Know Your Ley Lines because if you don’t you can’t hand it in again until you destory them) and hand in Sunfury Attack Plans
Results:At the end of this run you will get ~115g, 2700 SSO rep and 15 Sunwell Supplies giving you at least 15 greens to DE and a chance at a Badge of Justice per supply and will usually take about an hour or so depending on how co-operative the Razorfang Flayers and Sunfury mobs are being for the Glands and Plans.
Shareable Quests:* Crush the dawnblade
* Disrupt the greengill coast
* Sunfury attack plans
* Rediscovering your roots
Unshareable Quests:* Further conversions
* The battle must go on
* The air strikes must continue
* Know your ley lines
* Keeping the enemy at bay
* Blood for blood
* Blast the gateway