Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gaining Ground

I was pretty pleased with myself for soloing The Jig is Up with Sloosh. A Blood Elf rogue failed horribly after me as she didn't realize that Hozzer still had to be killed. "Mad" Jonah Sterling is fearable so he was very easy to beat down to 5000 Health. The bear wasn't fearable and also had over 20k health, so he was more of a challenge. What ended up making it easy for me was shortly after I sent my Shadowfiend in I was knocked up to the high ledge. As with most knock-backs, aggro on the bear was reset. So my fiend held Hozzer down lower for a few extra seconds while I finished him off before he could reach me. Turning around I also found The Frozen Heart of Isuldof conveniently waiting on the ground to be looted.

While my gear is still making things go well the mobs are starting to get harder to kill. My standard kill sequence is Vampiric Touch, Mind Blast, Power Word: Shield, and a Mind Flay. I used to be able to start on another mob while VT finishes yet now I find I'm casting a second Mind Flay to end it, which is just enough to start making my mana drop. After about five-seven kills I'm at half mana so I have to chill. Oh well… couldn't stay easy forever. I may have to start working in more Crit and Spirit gear.

Then again, maybe the new spells will help. 74 was a sweet spot for me since it included upgrades to Prayer of Mending, Smite, Mind Blast, and Mind Flay. Those last two are staples plus I picked up Silence. 75 will be even better for grouping with Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, and the shiny new Mind Sear!

In Dalaran I did check out the Cold Weather Flying trainer and was relieved to see that I can pay the 1000g to train flying at 77 even though Sloosh only has cheap flying. Since she's not a gatherer I trained Decimate in Epic Flying first. Between all my characters I don't have over 3000g so I'll have to find some way of churning out some gold. For now, I'll keep doing the lower level quests for XP then save the higher quests for cash. Leveling the other characters will also generate gold… especially when it's five at once. *lol*

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