Thursday, November 13, 2008

Death Knight OP? Why Yes!

Spent entirely too much time on the Death Knight. Decided I wasn't in any rush to look around so I read through the quests and enjoyed the content. It was really fun starting out at 55 with a full set of green equipment along with 270 in First Aid. Got to steal a horse, duel others, and all manner of nefarious deeds. The final quest where the Lich King's thrall is broken was very fun yet4 I enjoyed flying around on the bone drake the most. I mean… you get to eat people for health and mana!

It was difficult figuring what talent tree to take. With all the chatter in General Chat it seemed that Blood is PvE, Frost is for Tanking, and Unholy is for PvP. Finally went over to the Wiki and went with a Zephire's Deep Unholy DPS build (16/0/55) since I figured I'd do PvP first. The only diversion I made was picking up Summon Gargoyle because that sounded way too cool.

The mechanics of the class are very interesting. I never understood what the runes meant until actually seeing them in action. It's also not very clear what each type is for initially but you get a better feel for it as you us the attacks. All of the numbers seem so small individually so it takes a while to see how they work in tandem. It's certainly interesting to have a tanking class that can't use a shield and isn't mana-based yet has abilities that are both melee-based and mana-based.

PvP ended up being wild. The DK started quests give you the basic PvP trinket and all of the final blues are superior to the starter Outlands questing, so right out of the box you're ready to gib. Unfortunately the Horde absolutely suck AV in our battle group so I only tried two games before giving up. Two native class abilities, Death Grip and Ice Chains, made Warsong Gulch a living hell. The game I got in had nineteen Death Knights and one Alliance shaman. After almost two hours we did win, but it was exhausting. I expect lots of outrage and QQing from the other classes so it was fun to get some killing in before the nerf bat starts swinging

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