Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nexus and Surrounding

RL got in the way in the form of a full day at work—stupid deadlines. Got home a little after 6pm once my random pieces were done. Sloosh was 71 (437448/1539600) and it was time to be 72. Joined the LFG channel for the Nexus and before I could finish Gamel the Cruel some random hunter invited me. The Priest, Saintjergens (Holy lotion?! *lol*), was decent but the Pally Tank, Osgard, was horrible. He asked to be reminded to use Righteous Fury. *sigh* The Hunter did know the instance so we made it through and I had another instance achievement done.

With the free summon out to Coldarra I decided to start on those quest lines. Unfortunately it was Saturday evening and rather busy by then. Trying to do Keep the Secret Safe took three times as long since Arcane Serpents were in short supply. About the only thing keeping me sane was the chit chat on my Vent server. We were all in different areas but suffering together. Guinnessnow noted with amusement how everyone with Quest Helper or Carbonite flock to the first spawn option that presents itself. He turns track on and finds another set of mobs to complete his stuff with ease. Was a good point so I started wandering more myself from the clusterings.

Cosno was also visiting so we were giving him some encouragement as he was making his way through the last 60% of level 79. The guy was pretty hard core. He had maybe twelve hours of sleep since Wrath went live. Was pretty cool to see the world achievement announced. People in my guild grumbled things like “these people need to move out of their mother’s basement” so I shared all the comments with him.

Definitely liking the quests in the Borean Tundra over the ones in Howling Fjord. Gained a lot of ground in Borean today so I’ll probably get those finished up before moving on to Dragonblight.

[Image: Nexus]
[Image: Cosno]

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