Wednesday, November 12, 2008

60 Shaman x 4!

A couple of hours in The Outlands questing and the Shaman are now half-way through 60. The Recruit-a-Friend Bonus does stop once the character dings into 60, so it should be a little more slow-going now. Got a number of quests done:
Fel Orc Scavengers: 27000xp (58), Landslide Buckler
Waste Not, Want Not: 29400xp (58), Battle Seeker Chestguard
The Legion Reborn: 2925xp (59)
Laying Waste to the Unwanted: 29400xp (59), Helm of Affinity
The Path of Anguish: 29400xp (59), Staff of Twin Worlds
Expidition Point: 2925xp (59)
Disrupt their Reinforcements: Wrathguard firetrail is BAD; all got credit; 30150xp (59), Arcane Ringed Tunic
Mission: The Murketh and Shaadraz Gateways: use Gossip script; long cool down Seaforium PU-36 Explosive Nether Modulator; 37800xp (59), Battle Scarred Leggings
Shatter Point: 950xp (60)
Wing commander Gryphongar: 950xp (60)
Mission: The Abyssal Shelf: Gossip Macro 2; 10050xp (60), Arcane Ringed Greaves
Go to the Front: 975xp (60)
Disruption - Forge Camp: Mageddon: 9800xp (60)
Enemy of my Enemy: 9800xp (60)
Invasion Point: Annihilator: 9800xp (60)
the Dark Missive: 4850xp (60)
The Path of Glory: 9800xp (60)
Ill Omens: 2250xp (60)
Zeth'Gor Must Burn!: 11900xp (60), Bonechewer Berserker's Vest
Cursed Talismans: 9000xp (60)
Warlord of the Bleeding Hallow: 9550xp (60)
Return to Honor Hold: 4850xp (60)
Digging for Prayer Beads: 4850xp (60)
The Temple of Telhamat: 2600xp (60)
In Search of Sedai: 2550xp (60)
Return to Obadei: 2550xp (60)
Deadly Predators: 10050xp (60)
The Rock Flayer Matriarch: 12950xp (60), Boots of the Earthcaller
Will get things linked up later. Taking a little break while my server gets restarted. When back on, I'm going to fly up to Southshore to pick up the Alterac Valley quests then try a BG or two.

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