Saturday, November 15, 2008

There's 71

Was up a bit late last night but Sloosh logged off about 400k into level 71. Tried two runs in Utgarde Keep. Got to Ingvar the Plunderer with the first one but our tank had less than 12k health and the Pally couldn't keep him alive. I tried helping heal after Ingvar's rez then the Pally let himself die. After the fourth attempt we disbanded. On the second boss we wiped on the four pull so I was out.

Though I started out getting a number of quests done in Borean Tundra, after getting summoned I picked up in Howling Fjord. I'll check my achievements for the highest quest count but I'd like to go back to the Borean Tundra to finish up. Would also like to see the Nexus.

It's a real joy questing with BT-level gear as a Shadow Priest. With a Vampric Touch, Mind Blast, and Power Word: Shield I can finish with wanding and have zero downtime. If I feel frisky I can Shadow Word: Pain three or four mobs, fear them, then tag a few with Mind Flay after tagging one with VT/MB. None of the quest reward gear has been an upgrade so I've been collecting enchanting materials. I wonder when the upgrades will start flowing…

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