Sunday, November 16, 2008

Boring Borean

Conta is really into his new Death Knight, Saidar. While I really enjoyed playing my Tauren I did make an Alliance on the second account. The Dranei free heal sounded really appealing, yet I figured I would mostly PvP so I went with a Night Elf. Faerune was still sitting half-way through the intro quests so I got them all finished up and parked her in Honor Hold. She’s half Unholy and half Blood for now. Getting back to Sloosh… who was still 71 (77151/1555700).

Sent the bank alt to the IF AH and the cheapest Overcharged Capacitor I could find was 79g. Instead of my usual crying, pissing, and moaning I just bought it and moved on. Don’t have an engineer high enough to make one nor is Favor able to go out and mine the Cobalt. Sloosh was parked at the Air Strip so I wanted to log in, complete Just a Few More Things..., then move on. When the priest is leveled I’m definitely going to have Favor gather tons of ore to sell; vengeance via profit.

While I did complete The Cell, I decided to let Keristrasza rest comfortably within the Augmented Arcane Prison in my bags for a while. There were so many people around Coldarra it seemed wiser to wrap up the other Borean areas. Actually got the Nothing Boring About Borean achievement done around 7pm. Finished up by playing with the Murlocs. The Oh Noes, the Tadpoles! took forever with all the competition but it was fun to have the army of baby Murlocs following me around.

The whole DEHTA quest line was pretty amusing. The gnomes at the Air Strip made me kill mammoths for a robot; never did try to approach the druids with the “Animal Blood All Over You” debuff. As I was turning one of the quests in, a gnome rogue walked up bloody and was dead in like two hits. Gnome deaths always make me laugh yet this one was doubly amusing. The final quest to kill Harold Lane I finished up with Daryius (who I did the first failed UK run with) and his friend Midgetcaster. We were doing fine yet I wanted to use the horn anyway. The mammoth stampede was even more hilarious than the pelts that Harold was throwing at us. That line actually got Sloosh Exalted with Cenarion Expedition since she started it at 19k in Revered.

Off to Dragonblight.

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