Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Still Moving Forward

Not a lot of excitement lately… the usual grind of XP and instancing. Finally happened… Sloosh's first green upgrade is the Mendicant's Charm, replacing Dark Iron Smoking Pipe; it's better to have the higher base damage and take the drop on the use boost. Also ended up putting away my beautiful Hammer of Judgement for an ugly yet fearsome Kalu'ak Rep Reward: Totemic Purification Rod.

Did a Nexus run last night with some of Klutz's crew, Zethos, Nitespirit, and Fowler. Since I was tanking with Aenara it was nice with Nitespirit there. Klutz can totally heal me but we went really crazy with the extra backup. After Nexus Nitespirit had to head out so we picked up Pobedog then ran Azjol-Nerub and Utgarde Keep.

Try to get dailies out of the way in the morning. Today's set is:
Blackriver Skirmish: 20750xp, 5g60s, 10 Venture Coin, 137 Alliance Vanguard
Break the Blockade: 12050xp, 4g70s, 138 Alliance Vanguard
Defending Wyrmrest Temple: 20750xp, 5g60s, 275 The Wyrmrest Accord
Planning for the Future: 16250xp, 5g, 550 The Kalu'ak
Preparing for the Worst: 16250xp, 5g, 550 The Kalu'ak
Drake Hunt: 12050xp, 4g70s, 275 The Wyrmrest Accord
Infused Mushroom Meatloaf (Dalaran Cooking): 16200, 5g30s, 3 Northern Spices, 165 Kirin Tor
Sloosh (1298779/1653900) should be finishing up in Grizzly Hills tonight and I'm sure she'll hit 79.

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