Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Quite Ahead

Once Sloosh entered the Dragonblight from the West I put myself in LFG for an Azjol-Nerub group. A few of my guild mates had been in there and they said it was fast and fun. After an hour I had no invites but I had kept busy.

An “Exit Borean Tundra” quest The Lost Courier had taken me to Star’s Rest. There were one or two quests for the area but instead I followed the messenger line. It flapped me out to Wintergarde Keep. There’s was a lot of Scourging to deal with yet the first quest was very fun, Flight of the Wintergarde Defender. You get a whistle to summon a two-seater Gryphon to rescue people on. And when flying out of the approved area (or sometimes when you are still in the approved area), the bird drops you off with a handy parachute!

Tromping around the mine I saw Cellar looking to do the group “Wanted” quests so I sent a whisper. We picked up another two, Bobbyorr and Galathenar, then headed out. Kreug Oathbreaker ended up killing Cellar with relative ease since he didn’t even bother to put on a shield so the rest of us finished the kill. We actually wiped at Bloodpaw because each of us brought mobs from different camps on the way in. Thankfully Iustus went down without a problem.

Since I was pretty far North East in the zone I decided to head over to the Crystal Forest. Started to go through the Crystal Vice but there were too many elites for a clothy so I followed the North West border to the middle of the zone. There were a few elementals in the way but it was pretty easy getting to the incredibly high overlook. Being a Priest, I backed the horse up a few steps then took a running leap, casting Levitate at the last possible moment. *snicker* There was some aggro from Level 78 wolves but nothing I couldn’t outrun. Turned on achievement tracking so I could be sure to open up all the main areas. The only one I couldn’t easily get to was the one I was most concerned with, naturally. I finally got the Windrunner FP by following the East zoneline path.

Landing back at Wintergarde I got an invite from Cõõlbreeze for Azjol-Nerub. I headed over to help with summons once we found Whaam, Babyboi, and Aetius. Babyboi and I were the only ones who hadn’t been there so it went pretty smoothly. It was quick and I completed Death to the Traitor King and Don't Forget the Eggs!. That took me from 774,349xp to 920,509xp.

I left that group fully intending to get a few errands run then camping out for the night yet when I saw someone actually requesting a Shadow Priest for The Old Kingdom I sent a whisper; ended up being a good decision. Hooked up with four people from Spies Like Us: Littlehammer, Goocher, Crimsonmage, and Enhancment. They were all in their vent so I’m sure I was missing stuff but it’s always a pleasure to group with people that work well together. Littlehammer knew the instance well so our only wipes were from exhaustion.

After the first run I was good for more XP and Littlehammer really wanted the Plate Chest from Jedoga Shadowseeker. Goocher had to go so they had Sephestra join—lotsa totems! Herald Volazj’s Insanity ability was very fun. The whole party turns on each person individually; each image has the same abilities but only 4000 Health. With Fear and my PvP skills it was cake but still amusing. The two runs and completion of The Faceless Ones had me go from 922177xp to 1210919xp.

Really wanted 74 for the new Mind Blast and Mind Flay, but it just wasn’t in the cards. Oh well. There’s always tomorrow…

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