Saturday, November 8, 2008

Let Me See Your Bracers...

Spent time leveling Enchanting on Shaman1. I plan on doing a bit of instancing so there's bound to be plenty of items that would go to waste if I didn't have an enchanter in tow. Ended up following this guide for most of it since it had a good list of materials and some alternatives. Had to stop at 245 when the materials became obscenely priced on the AH.

Used at least thirty stacks of spare Silk to tailor a number of Green Silken Shoulders to disenchant. Once everyone is up to 260-265 First Aid, I can start making White Bandit Mask with spare Mageweave to see if I can get some higher level mats rolling in. Might have to find something in Rune cloth. Going to need tons I'm sure. *sigh* Swore I would never level Enchanting again but oh well.

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