Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cataclysm Transmutation

Typically, when you use Transmute: Living Elements, you will receive 14-16 random Volatile elements (Volatile Air, Volatile Earth, Volatile Water, or Volatile Fire) in exchange for 15 Volatile Life. If you use this transmute while in one of the new Cataclysm zones associated with the Elemental Planes, however, the element into which your Volatile Life will transform will be predetermined. For example, if you use Transmute: Living Elements while in Uldum, you will always receive Volatile Air for your efforts.

  • Mount Hyjal: Volatile Fire
  • Vashj'ir: Volatile Water
  • Deepholm: Volatile Earth
  • Uldum: Volatile Air

Additionally, alchemists with Transmutation specialization will always receive bonus Volatile elements when completing this transmute. The bonus will be random, though, regardless of which zone you are in.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Flap Flap!

Flying over Stormwind on an Ironbound Proto-Drake... oh hell yeah.

It is Upon Us

Cata goes live in a few moments and everyone is ready to be a dick. Currently the Flight Trainer in SW is completely mobbed. MMO-Champion had the following advice: "Also, an useful reminder. Binding your "interact with target" key and using it after doing /target "NPC Name" is your only chance to quest." I didn't understand it at first. Now I do.

Decided to Tabard up to Northrend and hide. Figure should get a few dailies to turn in initially.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


New Loading Screen!

How To Find Cataclysm Instance Entrances

Been meaning to make my own copy of this Wowhead blog entry for a while. Just in case something bad happens…

Blackrock Caverns

Grim Batol

Halls of Origination

The Stonecore

Lost City of the Tol'vir

The Vortex Pinnacle

Throne of the Tides

Blood DK Tanking

Every form of self-healing was nerfed in 4.0.3a. After some reading this largely due to PvP impacts at 85. In general, all healers took a hit. So naturally classes that had some form of self-healing became over-powered. This is Blizzard's response. It sure seems painful now but maybe it will work out in five levels. *sigh* I commented as such on this thread.

Found a decent thread on DK Tanking by someone who has been in the beta a while and even wrote a sim. More to do. But… there's always the Warrior or Paladin… :)

This Was Completely Unexpected

NO WAY! The patch is taking longer than initially expected? WHAT? *smirk*


OH NOES! Sindragosa is gone! There's a big flaming birdie sitting on a castle. We prolly should kill it…

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fill In Appropriate Boxes

Found this anger on the WoW Mage Forums:
You win blizzard I give up on mage... 11/16/2010 11:07:14 PM PST

Okay....so this patch we are nerfed again....yet in a BG a pallies shield is crit hitting me for 6k when he is lvl 75. A rogue is dominating BG from lvl 10 on.....and now I blink is so bugged I cannot blink out of any of the 1000 stuns you give other classes....so I quit....3 lvls from 80 and I am so sick of this. Whenever mages get a boost up to the damage that we should be doing you listen to ever other class and nerf us. Don't worry about 29 rogues ambushing in BGs for 3k...no that is not a problem, the problem is a mage at 77 has a spell that at 2.5 sec cast time might crit for 5k. Don't worry about pallies one shotting people with the shield at 29....nope....mages can possibly get the time to get 4 AB stored up. You wanna make things fair?? Okay how about this....

  1. Any stun....don't care if it is a pally hammer or sap or cheap shot or kidney shot or charge or (seeing the point here?) gets immediately dropped when you damage the stunned victim.
  2. Drop the saving grace from vanish and make it a 50's spell....heck you made Blizzard that high!
  3. FIX BLINK!! It has been bugged since day 1....
  4. If you are going to reduce our damage then reduce our casting time
  5. Let spellsteal steal any buff...not limited to (OMG you cannot steal a pally bubble)....
I could go on....but why? Seriously....you ain't going to fix it...so I just going to lvl a pally, lock or rogue since those classes are apparantly all you care about
Naturally he gets a few "WTF are you talking about?!" to which he replies:
I wish...I really wish it was something that I am not seeing or doing....

It might even be the fact that I am not lvl 80.....but when you get so fed up with not being able to do anything until lvl 80...it gets depressing.

Life in this game starts at lvl 1, not 80. Pre-80 you aren't going to BG....period. Oh sure you can, but don't expect to do anything. Either your dead before you can get the spell off...or whatever you are casting at is dead before the spell goes off. This even applies to dungeons as well. Sure on Bosses we get some decent DPS, but trash mobs you aren't going to touch with anything but instant cast.

There isn't a class that I can duel pre-80 that won't stomp a mudhole in me, unless that person is either afk or braindead.

Warriors.....we cannot get away from, might gain a few secs if your frost spec'd....but thats it.

Rogues....forget it....ambush, vanish, ambush....your dead

Pally...don't try, your either fighting a stun/shield, or a holy one that just uses his seals to heal himself up without being able to counterspell it.

Priest...dot you up, fear, heal, repeat

Druid...Cat form....then see rogues entry

Locks.....you aren't getting a non-instant spell off....forget it

DK....about the same as warriors, just a lil faster to grave

Shaman....well our aoes hit everything.....oh wait....totems don't take aoes since they aren't...wait....why again wouldn't a totem get hit with an aoe....oh right....totems are apparently in a magical world where aoe hit everything but them.

hunters.....ya i got poly off on pet....but now I'm dead.....oh I got the hunter poly'd.....but now I'm dead from the pet....

So again....without bringing UI's or any outside programs into the game....how does a mage survive??
The following response could definitely come in handy!


[ x ] Moron
[ x ] Loser
[ ] Ganker
[ ] 12 Year Old
[ ] Twink
[ ] Troll
[ ] Level 2 Alt
[ ] l337 d00d
[ x ] Whiner
[ x] Fruit of the Stupid Tree
[ ] Other

You are being flamed because:
[ ] You forgot to search.
[ ] You posted a "Class is Overpowered" thread.
[ x ] You need to learn to play your class.
[ x ] You need to learn to play the game.
[ x ] You have no concept of class balance.
[ x ] You're just an idiot.
[ x ] You posted a Omg-i-got-killed thread.
[ x ] Your model brain is defective, leave until you have one that works.
[ ] You have an unhealthy fixation on horses.
[ ] You lost a fight to my class and came here to cry about it.
[ ] Someone told you my class was easy to beat, you found out otherwise, and now you're complaining.
[ x ] You posted a total lack of understanding about my class.
[ x] You posted a total lack of understanding about your class.
[ ] You don't know which forum to post in.
[ x] You made a ridiculous claim.
[ x ] I don't like your tone of voice.
[ ] You fell from "the tree."
[ ] You posted false information.
[ x ] You just plain suck.
[x ] Your balls are only of random weight.
[ ] You are not civilized enough to post in these forums.
[ ] You mispeled evry sengle wurd.
[x ] Youhavenotlearnedthe?pointofpuncuationsuch?asspacingcommasandper?iods.
[ ] You are too stupid to argue with.
[ ] You are extraordinarily bad at [detecting ()/posting ()] sarcasm.

In punishment, you must:
[ ] Play a paladin to level 80.
[ ] /delete yourself
[ ] Suffer at least three nerfs.
[ ] Play a FULL prot spec Warrior to 80.
[ ] Drink out of a spitoon.
[ x] Fetch me a shrubbery.
[ ] Go aggro the murloc.
[ ] Spend an entire day in Barrens general chat.
[ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum.
[ xxxxxxxxxxxx ] Get to 80. Then QQ
[ ] All of the above.

In closing, I'd like to say:
[ x ] Learn to play
[ x ] Never post again.
[ ] I've found more intelligent things floating in the toilet.
[x ] STFU.
[ ] Learn to post.
[ ] Learn to read.
[ x ] No one cares.
[ ]Post this nonsense with your main.
[ ] Tranny scum!
[ ] The Paladin forums are that way ------>
[ ] All of the above.

Thank you, have a nice day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Falling Out

Heard great things about the Fallout games yet I've never tried any of them. Found a site that features "Revived" versions of the first two games. Torrenting them now…

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Out in It

Aenara decided to finish up Dinner Impossible. Needed Strand, Eye, and AV. Lost them all, of course, but it wasn't too bad. Was actually top damage in Strand, tied for second on kills. Sort of surprising yet maybe not. Moonkin are incredibly versatile and rather annoying to face.

Look at that. Horde had the rest of the damage. *sigh* Rated BGs are going to be wonderful. So tired of the slack-ass Alliance fools in our battlegroup. At least we still own Wintergrasp. *snicker*

They Can Do That??

Whoa! Found a Rogue who has the 80 inscription on his BoA shoulders!! The Armory doesn't indicate if it's active or not. Hrm. The Horde Rogue isn't on Martini's account, but the Horde Druid is…

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ready for Phase 2!

Took care of Tripping the Rifts on Aenara and Favor at the following spots in Northrend:
  • Earth: Grizzly Hills, Zeb'Halak (15.7, 36.1) [lvl74]
  • Fire: Zul Drak, Reliquary of Pain (32.3, 45.7)
  • Water: Icecrown, Deathspeaker's Watch (60.4, 21.9)
  • Wind: Sholozar Basin, Savage Thicket (48.1, 25.4)

Rifts and Chords

Using Wowhead's Pre-Launch Events guide to try to get the rifts Feat of Strength out of the way.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Definitely a Day of the Dead

Was up a little bit late last night making use of the final few moments of Call to Arms: Arathi Basin on the Horde Rogue. I haven't laughed and ganked that hard in ages.

It began on the Exodar server when Pro finally hit level 36. Decided to try some Warsong Gulch. Her gear is quite horrible yet I hoped the level might be enough to not get insta-gibbed. Boy was I wrong. Rogues were eating my cookies left and right.

I had heard in Aenara's guild that Rogues were the scourge of the lower brackets and that's sure not an understatement. They mentioned mutilate so I spec'd that on Unpleasant yet it didn't seem that OP. Dragonsblitz and Gorestep showed me the error of my ways... it was Subtlety that was insanity. I thought the problem was not having Flare yet it would be useless against Shadowstep. While they could see my traps at 32 they couldn't disarm them. Yet it didn't help me much.

There is incredible synergy at very low levels in the Subtley tree:
  • Shadowstep (25 yd range, Instant) Causes you to step through the shadows and appear behind an enemy target. Your next Ambush or Garrote delivered within 10 sec will deal 30% additional damage, and your movement speed is increased by 70% for 3 sec.
  • Master of Subtlety (Passive) Attacks made while stealthed and for 6 seconds after breaking stealth cause an additional 10% damage.
  • Sinister Calling (Passive) Increases your total Agility by 25% and increases the percentage damage bonus of Backstab and Hemorrhage by an additional 25%.
  • Improved Ambush (Rank 3) Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 60% and its damage by 15%.
  • Waylay (Rank 2) Your Ambush and Backstab hits have a 100% chance to unbalance a target, increasing the time between their melee and ranged attacks by 20%, and reducing movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.
  • Opportunity (Rank 3) Increases the damage dealt with your Backstab, Mutilate, Garrote and Ambush abilities by 30%.
  • Hemorrhage (35 Energy, Melee Range, Instant, Requires Melee Weapon) An instant strike that deals 110% weapon damage (159.5% if a dagger is equipped) and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from bleed effects for 1 min. Awards 1 combo point.
  • Ambush (60 Energy, Melee Range, Instant, Requires Melee Weapon, Requires Stealth) Ambush the target, causing 190% weapon damage plus (330 * 1.9) to the target (274.93% plus (330 * 2.75) if a dagger is equipped). Must be stealthed and behind the target. Awards 2 combo points.
It's a lot to take in yet it plays incredibly well. And it's all available to a Rogue at 29. In fact most of it is available through the 20s, with Hemorrhage and Waylay or Opportunity coming at the end. In the 30s it's ridiculous.

Core talents and abilities aside, one Prime, one Major, and one Minor glyph slot become available at level 25. And there are some really sweet ones available to compliment the devastation:
  • Glyph of Hemorrhage (Prime Glyph, Requires Level 29) Your Hemorrhage ability also causes the target to bleed, dealing 40% of the direct strike's damage over 24 sec.
  • Glyph of Backstab (Prime Glyph, Requires Level 25) Your Backstab critical strikes grant you 5 energy.
  • Glyph of Eviscerate (Prime Glyph, Requires Level 25) Increases the critical strike chance of Eviscerate by 10%.
  • Glyph of Ambush (Major Glyph, Item Level 25) Increases the range on Ambush by 5 yards.
  • Glyph of Gouge (Major Glyph, Requires Level 25) Your Gouge ability no longer requires that the target be facing you.
  • Glyph of Vanish (Major Glyph, Requires Level 25) Increases the duration of your Vanish effect by 2 sec.
  • Glyph of Sprint (Major Glyph, Requires Level 25) Increases the movement speed of your Sprint ability by an additional 30%.
  • Glyph of Blurred Speed (Minor Glyph, Requires Level 25) Enables you to walk on water while your Sprint ability is active.
So many great choices! Hemorrhage would be useful against other rogues and druids, keeping them out of stealth. Ambush and Backstab are expensive moves so Backstab, when landing, would get you a little extra for another. Eviscerate would help ensure a big finisher (if needed, heh). Ambush would make Ambushing a mounted target is even easier. Since Blind isn't available until 34, Gouge could fill the gap. Vanish would give you more breathing room to escape with. Sprint would help you escape while Blurred Speed would make escape in Arathi Basin easier. Wow! Naturally I logged out and went back to Azjol-Nerub. After respecing for 53s, I threw Unpleasant out there to see what was what.

It went as well as all the whining indicated. It was astonishing the damage that was unleashed. Unfortunately I was half-way through 29, so after a win and a loss, I leveled into the 30 bracket. It is always rough to be at the bottom of the bracket plus other players often jeer at the flotsam dragging the team down, but I was on a rush and had to see what could be done. I managed to deal out more death than I expected. Unfortunately it's easy for the higher-level enemies to see through stealth so I had to be at the top of my game. The kills I got were a real testament to skill and timing. The best one I got was at level 31 where I one shot a 39 Warlock that was mounting up. She had over 1600 health which didn't seem to even be there. For a kill like that to be possible with an eight level disparity definitely says there something out of wack. Yet I understand it must be rough on Blizzard to balance a class through their level progression. Glad I got all this down for posterity as I'm sure something will get hot fixed.

While the rogue is fierce, it's not all a cake walk. All the usual requirements are there… catch someone unaware with as few friends around as possible while your cooldowns are all ready and theirs are down. And as at all the lower brackets the BoA gear can make an incredible difference. Currently the worst targets are the DoT casters and the mail-wearers. If you don't one-shot them things get dicey. While Shadow Priests are painful, 4.x Warlocks are devastating. Bane of Doom can now be cast on players. It lasts FOREVER (one minute, heh) and does a TON of damage. A quick reacting paladin that survives will usually Lay on Hands then try to slam a Hammer of Justice on you. Those two have been the most troublesome survivors of a failed one-shot for me.

As realization has dawned on everyone the play-style has suffered. Rogues summarily ignore flag groups and swim out mid-field looking for targets. So there were a few games that ended 0-0 because no one could survive the onslaught since no one would support the flag carrier. Lot of people leaving games in a huff but whatever. I am there to gank not help the team. *snicker* I am just one of the sharks looking for chum.

Went out to Hammerfall to grab Defiler's Leather Boots. Since the Inherited Insignia of the Alliance doesn't translate from Alliance to Horde I had to grab an Insignia of the Horde for 55 honor points. Still need to decide on glyphs then it's time to see what the fields of battle are like today.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Little Things

Leveling some toons on a different server so I need to keep track of what quests for instances in the various level ranges:

Ragefire Chasm (?? - ??)
Hidden Enemies
Searching for the Lost Satchel
Slaying the Beast
Testing an Enemy's Strength
The Power to Destroy...

Wailing Caverns (?? - ??)
Serpentbloom from Apothecary Zamah [14]

Shadowfang Keep (?? - ??)
Arugal Must Die from Dalar Dawnweaver [18]

Razorfen Kraul (22 - 32)
Blueleaf Tubers from Mebok Mizzyrix [20]
Going, Going, Guano! from Master Apothecary Faranell [22]

Gnomeregan (23 - 33)
Return of the Ring [28]
Rig Wars
Chief Engineer Scooty

Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard (27 - 37)
Vorrel's Revenge from Vorrel Sengutz [25]

Scarlet Monastery - Library (30 - 40)
Compendium of the Fallen [28]

Razorfen Downs (32 - 42)
Bring the End [33]

Scarlet Monastery - Armory (32 - 42)
Into The Scarlet Monastery [30]

Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral (35 - 45)

Uldaman (35 - 45)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Aenara the Seeker

Despite completing Tricks and Treats of Azeroth last year Aenara was getting credit towards 3000 Quests Completed when pocketing treats from the various Candy Buckets. For the final quest she returned to her initial questing area of Dolanaar where Innkeeper Keldamyr bore witness to that final quest.

Now for The Loremaster. Currently have 613/700 in Loremaster of Kalimdor and 526/700 in Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms so it's not too far away!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Almost Done Before Restarting

Still a little rough downing Heroic Sindragosa 25 but we got her on the third attempt. Picked up the Heroic Phylactery of the Nameless Lich. (Yay!) Excepting three Heroic Vanquisher's Marks of Sanctification and the ultra-elusive Professor's Bloodied Smock, Aenara now has all of the gear she's been eying. For now.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Soldiers Arise, Stand and Fight!

Finally! Faerune's Loot-Filled Pumpkin contained The Horseman's Horrific Helm! She now has all the horseman accessories to annoy friends and randoms with.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Good Point

Source: Fun Hunter

Give Me a Numer

wtfismygs.com is really a site!!! *rofl* It's actually pretty compact and has nice mouse-overs for raid achievements. Wow-Heroes still wins with tracking both specs and gear details.

Oh Come On

Got done with the Headless Horseman on all the toons when Aenara saw some spam in Trade Chat for Black Temple. They were on council so it would be getting the achievement done pretty quick. Trying to zone in kept erroring out with a message: “You have entered too many instances recently.” Searching the forums there was a blue post that stated: “Five instances per hour is the current limit. Please note that this is per account.” *sigh* I understand they want to limit instance farming but there's obviously a bug. I'd done HH easily six times in 30min so whatever. Maybe the LFG system gets around it but if Blizzard is going to deny access, the least they could do is provide a “XX more min until you can enter an instance” message.

Thankfully they wiped on their first attempt due to lack of healing. *snicker* Might be able to get in while they try to fine more.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Out on the West Coast

Been fun watching the 3v3 tournaments at BlizCcon 2010. Some really amazing matches. It makes me understand the allure of televised sports… watching others do what I cannot from the comfort of my home. *snicker*

Wonder if Blizzard notices/cares about the caster dominance and Druids being the preferred healer. There was one PMR team that made it to the third round yet the pressure matches were all ranged casters. Personally I favor LSD since I love the burst and utility of 3.x Elemental Shaman. Yet DML has also been amazing. Watching the second match of the Top Bracker (*aAa*/LSD) versus Lower Bracket (Complexity.Red/DML). Co.Red actually lost to *aAa* in the upper bracket, 0-3. See if they come back for the $75k.

On a completely shallow note I love how all the competitors are pasty white boys and Asians. Hate to be the creepy old guy, but there are a few really cute ones. Have to say my top three are:
  1. Jenõ "Lopaay" Tanos (LightZ CaMerA ActioN/Fra?)
  2. Fabio "Jamesbond" Nardelli (*aAa*/Ita)
  3. Romain "Hrk" Neveu (*aAa*/Fra)

It's Over 7000!

Aenara got stuck at 98/100 on The Summit of Storm Peaks. EveryQuest's incomplete list showed a missing drop-quest started from a Dark Armor Sample. Didn't stick around to finish The Iron Colossus chain once the zone was done since there were still Tournament dailies waiting. Just have to finish up 87/140 Icecrown: The Final Goal for Loremaster of Northrend.

Aenara is now up to 7050 achievement points, with 661/1056 completed. Currently #8 in the guild.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Long, Strange #4

Finally! Picked up the only item Aenara needed for more than a year from the Inn Keeper in Westguard Keep… the damn Hallowed Helm for Sinister Calling. Picked up Hallowed Be Thy Name and What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been.

Was down in Howling Fjord to finish up I've Toured the Fjord. Working on The Summit of Storm Peaks while watching 3v3 PvP at BlizzCon. Got Into the Basin done late last night so only Icecrown: The Final Goal remains for Loremaster of Northrend.

If Only They Were All This Fat

This pumpkin wasn't simply loot-filled, it was about to explode!!

Wha Happen?

More stealth nerfs inc!!*cowers in fear*

Two More Done

Somehow found the patience to grind out some more kills today, so Aenara finished up Oh My, Kurenai… which was also the last reputation needed to finish up The Diplomat. It did take some time yet it was sort of amusing running around camps of Burning Crusade mobs, dropping a single Insect Swarm on each, then circling back to collect loot. Which reminds me… I really need to see if Loot Filter is running again. It makes culling the loot trash so much more tolerable.

The mobs in The Steamvault didn't fare much better. Still spread IS around yet the new super-damaging Thorns made quick work of any melee mobs. The turn-ins were the most tedious part of finishing up Cenarion Expedition. Seems somehow right in an role play sense to have the druid astride a Cenarion War Hippogryph. Still have 72 Coilfang Armaments left over for the next toon that wants the rep. *rolls eyes*

This brings me up to 27/30 Exalted Reputations, 18/25 Tabards, and 77/100 Mountain o' Mounts. Thinking of targeting The Argent Dawn along with Deathcharger's Reins next while getting Hero of the Zandalar Tribe finished up.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

So Not Fair

Faerune got a second pair of The Horseman's Reins. *sigh* These things should really be Bind on Account.

Drop Rates or What

Trade Chat babble has mentioned that the drop rate on reins has increased. Naturally I took this with a grain of salt, yet Scheme's loot-filled pumpkin had The Horseman's Reins along with a Flimsy Male Undead Mask. Whoa! Would sure be nice to get the mount on one of the toons I'm doing Mountain o' Mounts on…

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Surprise! Heroic Sindragosa

Was pleasantly surprised to get Heroic: The Frostwing Halls (10 player) done tonight. Faerune is in a casual guild that has few hardcore people in it, so our progress through Heroic encounters has been pretty difficult. Yet after an hour-and-a-half of face grinding we managed to down her on our last attempt for the night. If we can somehow pull the Heroic Putricide rabbit out of our collective hats, we might get some Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquishers before the expansion.

Having both raiding experiences does help me not take Aenara's progress for granted. For instance… tonight she cleared 10/12 of the heroic 25 encounters in two hours—all one-shots. The officers actually called it early to do the weekly raid so we'd have something to do tomorrow. Heh.

On a completely unrelated vanity note, I really love the Ninja DK on a Horseman's mount. Here she is waiting with Sindragosa circling and Peddlefeet keeping everyone company.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mildly Innappropriate

So someone on vent was laughing at one of the deaths, saying “You got so duffed on that.” Was a term I'd never heard of yet before I could ask, one of the Aussies chimed in with, “Duffed means something pretty different down here.” So I was off to Urban Dictionary where I copied the second, hilarious definition into raid chat:
Duffed (v) - The act of getting used and or manipulated by an attractive, mentally unstable person of the opposite sex. Unfortunately this includes an abundance of flirting, profound mixed messages, and sexual innuendos that don't actually lead to SEX, merely the illusion that it will. The Duff usually ends by the Duff-er getting back together with their original girl/boyfriend, leaving the duff-ee with a killer case of blue balls/dry-gina.
Definitely caused the raid to skip a beat but was worth it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Green Hooves!

In all the years of doing the Halloween event I've seen The Horseman's Reins drop once. Didn't have it on any of my toons until today. Faerune DC'd twice getting in (damn patch!) yet when she opened her pumpkin, there they were! Now if only Aenara can get so lucky…

Sunday, October 17, 2010

First Wintergrasp

Blizzard added Wintergrasp to the regular PvP interface—quite handy. Felt like Aenara was ready to try some more PvP so decided to queue. Horde continue to suck on Azjol-Nerub. There didn't seem to be any bugs or changes to the zone. The quests grant significantly less honor. Was hoping they were dailies now but they didn't count towards the cap when turned in. *sigh*

The gather quest was A Rare Herb so headed down there. The Steppe of Life was heavily farmed so I took a quick break. Got back and had 7/10 Horde Herb Pouchs when a Horde Warrior and Mage popped up. It was surprising how easily they died. Was at half-health when another Mage appeared. Destroyed him, too. Maybe they just sucked, but Spect, Mouzashi, Magerfeeb really disgraced their faction this morning. Will have to hold on to the Unwarmed Shoes I took off Mouzashi's fail corpse. *giggle*

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shrooms + Wrathful

Aenara finished up The Czar of Sporeggar with relative ease. In three Normal clears I picked up 82 Sanguine Hibiscus. Ran Favor out with another 143 from the bank and done! The little spore bat is fun. This puts Aenara at 68/75 for Lil' Game Hunter, 16/25 Tabards, and 24/25 Exalted Reputations.

Figure that The Diplomat will be next. Aenara murdered her way up to 3198 in Honored with Timbermaw. Kept Favor on auto-follow to soak up the free rep. Pulled in 186 feathers along with the Deadwood Ritual Totem and the Winterfall Ritual Totem. Going to take a while to finish that.

Had to stop the grind when there was talk in the guild about the Wrathful PvP items. I'd heard somewhere that the gear was going to be purchasable without the Arena rating requirements. Sadly the requirement numbers where still there. Yet someone in the guild randomly tried to buy a piece and was able! So I hearthed up immediately to pick up Wrathful Gladiator's War Staff and Wrathful Gladiator's Wyrmhide Robes. Aenara was exactly ten points short for Wrathful Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm but managed to get a 24 points in a horrible Warsong Gulch loss. Also dropped a Great Feast for Dinner Impossible. *lol*

The Drake With the Most Pink

Finally got On Wings of Nether completed this morning with the dailies and a couple extra Netherwing Eggs. This puts Aenara 2701/3000 Quests Completed, 60/100 Mountain o' Mounts, and 23/25 Exalted Reputations. Knocked out Crocolisks in the City really quick in hopes of picking up the last croc she needed, Chuck, but was denied. WoWJuju tells me another 225 Sanguine Hibiscus will get Sporeggar done so I might try doing that now.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Top Orc

Martini got Skyshattered done a year ago but I sure couldn't get it done on Aenara. Yet when I went out to get the dailies finished today I noticed I remained mounted on my Nether-Rocket, so I retained my 310% speed! Needless to say it was easy to complete this pesky achievement. Sometimes the patch bugs are good.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grid, Come Back!

The WowUI admins haven't been able to verify the Grid update yet so I had to go directly to the WoW Ace download. *crosses fingers*

Edit: Had to download the Ace2 libraries and it appears to be back. Will try using Clique with it when the servers are done restarting.

Wow WoW

Head is still spinning from all the changes. Aenara is doing insane Moonkin damage and pulling aggro off instance tanks with ease, single-target and on packs. Didn't end up reforging anything as I was right on with hit. Mana was a slight problem. Will see how things go in raid tonight if everyone is ready. Could get Grid running so I refused to try out my healing spec in a pug. Really like the flaura spawn from Swiftmend though. *smile*

Faerune has fared pretty well. Too much talking and reading to get the tanking configured (SO MANY CDs NOW!) yet Frost DPS is looking pretty amazing. The built-in Power Auras made reacting to Rime and Killing Machine procs very easy. It's sad that KM doesn't affect Howling Blast anymore, but DPS was fine. Pulled instance aggro a number of times so not looking forward to tanking.

Biggest problem with loading Professions, namely Inscription and Jewel Crafting. I suppose everyone needs those right now so it's taking a toll on the servers. Sure is frustrating. Takes a few minutes for the categories and cuts/glyphs to load, especially in Dalaran. My gouging plan didn't really work with Glyphs. I didn't realize that they work like spells now... once you learn one, you never need it again! Did sell a bunch of Druid and Rogue ones at inflated prices. But it wasn't worth the time and materials. I'm going to have to make a bunch for my toons, and they bumped up the cost of each glyph from 1 to 3 Ink of the Seas.

Still have so much to figure out not even sure where to begin. I really need Grid to work, so I'll prolly start there. Then maybe Favor? Scheme? Feraline? Sloosh? *sigh*

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


In an attempt to make cash during the frenzy, I'm going hawk Glyphs. Granted I never make a profit in the auction house but I'm bored and I need to research every class anyway. Might as well see if I can turn my data mining into gold.

Death Knight
Death Strike
Heart Strike
Rune Strike / Death and Decay (AoE)
Dancing Rune Weapon
Rune Tap
Horn of Winter
Blood Tap
Resilient Grip

Glyph of Frost Strike
Glyph of Howling Blast
Glyph of Obliterate / Glyph of Icy Touch (AoE)
Boil Blood
Hungering Cold
Glyph of Path of Frost
Glyph of Blood Tap
Glyph of Horn of Winter

Death Coil / Glyph of Icy Touch (AoE)
Raise Dead
Scourge Strike / Death and Decay (AoE)
Anti-Magic Shell
Blood Boil
Blood Tap
Horn of Winter
Raise Ally

Insect Swarm
Aquatic Form
Unburdened Rebirth

Healing Touch
Wild Growth
Aquatic Form
Unburdened Rebirth

Feral Tank


Feral DPS
Savage Roar
Tiger's Fury
Feral Charge
Ferocious Bite
Unburdened Rebirth






Living Bomb
Molten Armor
Dragon's Breath
Ice Block
Slow Fall

Ice Lance
Molten Armor
Ice Barrier
Icy Veins
Slow Fall































Mortal Strike
Sweeping Strikes
Long Charge
Rapid Charge
Demoralizing Shout

Raging Blow
Death Wish
Heroic Throw
Berserker Rage
Bloody Healing

Shield Slam
Thunder Clap
Sunder Armor
Demoralizing Shout



Looks like Decursive was just updated for 4.0. Think I'll continue using it until I have Grid and Clique perfected.

Patch Notes Official Bitching

Since the patch notes are now up on the Official Site I decided to do some bitching…

Flexible Raid Lock System
I love how they make this sound positive when it's fucking us. It should really read, "You need to choose 10man or 25man raiding. If you go with a pug and they melt after the first boss, you're fucked for the whole week. Time to find a guild, loser. Enjoy."

The Chill of the Throne effect has been removed.
In other words, if you can't get a Kingslayer title now, just fucking stop.

Ammo has been removed from the game.
More cries of anguish from the RP'ers.

Spells and abilities no longer have multiple ranks and now scale with character level.
Well about time. Why wasn't this done when Downranking was nerfed?

Resilience no longer reduces the chance a player will be critically hit by an opponent.
Wasn't mana-drain reduction also nerfed? I thought all resil did now was reduce player and player-pet caused damage.

Item Durability: cloth, leather, and mail now have as many points of durability as plate, making the repair cost on death much closer to equal for all classes.
Hahah! Now it's not just the plate tanks complaining.

Spell Alerts have been added to notify players when procs on select spells and abilities occur.
Blizz stealing more functionality from the AddOn community. Yay for built-in Power Auras!

New Raid frames are now available. They can also be used in place of the standard 5-player party interface via the User Interface options.
As Godly as Grid? Doubtful.

It's surprisingly short for a patch of this scope but then "Many class talents, spells, and abilities have been overhauled, added, or removed." does cover a lot of ground. Still can't believe Kings is going to overwrite my Mark now. Heh.

Extension Please!

Surprise of surprises, patching is extended again:

I wonder if we'll be able to raid at all tonight. Oh well. In the interim I've cleared out all my addons and the Saved Variable folder (after making back-ups, of course!) I re-downloaded those specifically flagged for 4.0 then will go back and try the ones I'd still like to use. So far I've got:
  • Clique
  • ShockAndAwe
  • AtlasLoot
  • Omen
  • Pawn
  • IceHUB
  • Recount
  • Quartz

Guess I should go look at the new WrathCalcs spreadsheet.


Just for easy reference:

You can reforge:
* Critical Strike Rating
* Dodge Rating
* Expertise Rating
* Haste Rating
* Hit Rating
* Mastery Rating
* Parry Rating
* Spirit

You cannot reforge:
* Agility
* Intellect
* Stamina
* Strength
* add to a stat that is already on the item

From WowWiki.

4.0 Druid -- Boomkin with Int, Resto with no Tree

With the big patch out today I'm looking at a solid week of reviewing all ten toons. Both fun and tedious, but I need to get it done fast. If I'm going to switch mains then I'll want to alert the guild right away. So Aenara is first.


Druid: Balance PvE (updated for 4.0.1)
*Patch 4.0 Guide*
Moonkin Guide 4.0.1



  • Heard some interesting mana arguments (post 80) where it might make sense to drop Owlkin Frenzy if it's not getting triggered enough by mob mechanics along with skipping Blessing of the Grove. This allows four points that can be put into Moonglow and Furor (MMO Champion)
  • Eclipse. The base Eclipse bonus is 25%, and the 12% from Total Eclipse stacks on top of that. The damage bonus is multiplicative. Spells provide Eclipse energy when they land. Eclipse ends after the cast that takes you to 0 energy; the last spell is still affected.
  • Moonfury: Damage increase stacks multiplicatively. Due to the odd critical bonus stacking rules, the total crit bonus for affected spells if you use a Chaotic meta is 209%.
  • Balance of Power: Your base Spirit is not included in the hit rating conversion, only bonus Spirit (green number in the tooltip).
  • Sunfire: Identical to Moonfire in all respects except appearance and damage type. Affected by Glyph of Moonfire, Glyph of Starfire, Genesis, Lunar Shower, Nature's Grace, and Shooting Stars. Sunfire and Moonfire overwrite each other on the same target. There is currently a bug where Sunfire has a base tick rate of 3s instead of 2s, and is not affected by haste.
  • Lunar Shower: If you don't have the buff, it only appears when you cast Moonfire or Sunfire. Once the buff is on you, it stacks and refreshes whenever you move. So if you are not moving and cast two consecutive Moonfires, the second will be affected by one stack of the buff, but to go higher, you need to move.
  • Heart of the Wild: Stacks multiplicatively with Mark of the Wild.

Resulting Spell Coefficients and Damage Multipliers

Overall damage multiplier (Nature/Arcane): 1.08 (Earth and Moon) * 1.02 (Earth and Moon) * 1.03 (Arcane Empowerment) * 1.25 (Moonfury) * 1.1 (Moonkin Form) * 1.02 (Balance of Power)= 1.591.
Haste multiplier, before haste rating: 1.05 (Moonkin Form). Multiply this by (1 + HasteRating/3279) to obtain final haste ratio.
Crit Chance: 5% (Leader of the Pack) + 5% (Improved Scorch) = 10%, added to whatever you see reported in your character sheet (Nature's Majesty is included there already).


Hit rating/Spirit:
Haste rating:
Critical strike rating:
Mastery rating:

Stat Value Caps

Hit: Against a level 83 target, with all buffs, we need 446 hit rating (17%) to cap at 100%. To check your hit rating, just mouse over it on your character sheet--it already includes the bonus hit from Balance of Power. Against an 82, 81, or 80 target, the caps are 158, 132, and 105 rating respectively.

Haste: Now that Wrath is a 2s base cast, it cannot run up against the 1s GCD minimum at any reasonable level of haste. There is a weak haste cap where the GCD hits 1.0s with Nature's Grace active. This requires 1.5/(1.05*1.15) - 1 = 24.22% haste, or 795 haste rating.

At certain levels of haste, our DoT's gain extra ticks. With 3/3 Genesis and Moonkin Form, and no Glyph of Starfire, they get an 11th tick at 365 haste rating, a 12th tick at 712 rating, and a 13th tick at 1059 rating. When affected by Nature's Grace, the 14th tick comes at 493 rating, the 15th tick at 795 rating, and the 16th tick at 1097 rating.

Overall, these softcaps are far less important than in WLK. Only the hit cap should be a significant factor in gear selection.

Reforging allows you to change 40% of one secondary stat on an item into another secondary stat that's not already present. As noted above, the usual order of secondary stats by value is:
  1. Spirit (technically better than Hit since it can occasionally give you mana).
  2. Hit rating (until cap).
  3. Haste rating.
  4. Crit rating.
  5. Mastery rating.

You should reforge whichever is the lowest-ranked stat on item up to the highest-ranked one that it doesn't already have. The only situation that's not obvious is when the hit cap is involved. If you need hit, reforge crit/mastery to hit on pieces that have those stats first, before you reforge haste. If you have excess hit, reforge hit/Spirit to haste wherever possible.

Red: Brilliant Cardinal Ruby (+20 Intellect)
Yellow: Reckless Ametrine (+12 Spell Power and +10 Haste Rating)
Blue: Purified Dreadstone (+12 Spell Power and +10 Spirit)


Lunar eclipse increases the damage of
  • Starfire
  • Moonfire
  • Starfall
  • Starsurge

Solar eclipse increases the damage of:
  • Wrath
  • Insect Swarm
  • Sunfire
  • Typhoon
  • Starsurge
  • Hurricane


Balance Power Tracker

Not Yet Updated for Cata


YouTube Arythorn has a few PTR videos on the DPS rotations and output
The Moonkin Repository
Druid Resource list for 4.0.1


*Patch 4.0 Guide*



Still sad over the changes to resto so I'm going to put this off. Regrowth has been destroyed. Only one Lifebloom can be out. Treeform is on a CD. No more ticking poison removal.

There are good things. All the hots can crit. Treeform effects are great. Remove Corruption is an all-in-wonder like Shaman.

I'll prolly be main healing on the shaman at this point.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

LFG Tool Success!

I have Aenara running around doing dailies when I get a whisper from someone named Rhialla asking if I wanted to do the Weekly. Took me completely by surprise because I'd queue'd up in the Raid Finder over two hours earlier. *snicker* Sadly I forgot to mark the Healer checkbox so I suppose I was lucky to get an invite at all. Was a bit rough as I out-geared the tank, Svennorsky, by a great deal and started pulling aggro around 80%.

It really isn't worth sitting in a city and enduring trade chat to find a raid yet I'm glad we got Anub'Rekhan Must Die! done. Aenara had 434 Frost Emblems and 188 Triumph Emblems so she doesn't really need any, but she only had 2304 emblems towards 2500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems. Sadly, when the quest was turned in, it didn't increment the count. Turns out rewards don't count as it's not looted. *sigh* Not sure I'll get that achievement since emblems will be going away next patch.


Scheme finally got done with the primary Argent Tournament grind. She was so far behind on Exodar reputation I kept her doing the dailies until she had over one hundred Valiant's Seals and almost ninety Champion's Writs. Worked out that I actually had a few too many yet she got it all done:

Thankfully I had 201 Champion's Seals so the Rogue now has both the Argent Crusader's Tabard and an Argent Pony Bridle for her squire.

Call in the Cavalry!

Did some late night PvP with the guild on Aenara. We usually win a bunch so I had to spend honor as I approached the 75k cap. Still don't want to break up my 2t10 bonus so I decided to grab a Black War Elekk and got Call in the Cavalry done. Hoping the honor grind in Cata isn't too painful as I'll need to get the other four mounts eventually.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wasn't So Dark

Finished up the Ulduar achievement run from two weeks ago. We only had to drop Yogg-Saron left—who I'd never seen let alone killed. Went through the exhaustive tactics writeup on the Wiki so I felt confident, though I still watched Cassette's and TankSpots ten-man videos. Took four attempts with twenty-two people yet it felt a lot smoother than General Vezax.

Since Aenara hasn't done much Ulduar there was quite a number of achievements that scrolled by:

Actually would have used Show of Faith for healing yet a pally beat me out. Took home Soulscribe as a memento. Of course the real pay off was the Ironbound Proto-Drake. I'm finding I like it more than the Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Classic Cenarion!

Magmadar finally gave up a pair of Cenarion Leggings so Aenara was able to complete her tier one Cenarion Raiment set! It looks so corny and I love it.

Finally got enough trash killed to move the druid into Revered so she turned in Hands of the Enemy and completed The Fifth Element. Looks like she and Sloosh will be the only toons to earn that Feat of Strength.