Sunday, October 17, 2010

First Wintergrasp

Blizzard added Wintergrasp to the regular PvP interface—quite handy. Felt like Aenara was ready to try some more PvP so decided to queue. Horde continue to suck on Azjol-Nerub. There didn't seem to be any bugs or changes to the zone. The quests grant significantly less honor. Was hoping they were dailies now but they didn't count towards the cap when turned in. *sigh*

The gather quest was A Rare Herb so headed down there. The Steppe of Life was heavily farmed so I took a quick break. Got back and had 7/10 Horde Herb Pouchs when a Horde Warrior and Mage popped up. It was surprising how easily they died. Was at half-health when another Mage appeared. Destroyed him, too. Maybe they just sucked, but Spect, Mouzashi, Magerfeeb really disgraced their faction this morning. Will have to hold on to the Unwarmed Shoes I took off Mouzashi's fail corpse. *giggle*

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