Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fill In Appropriate Boxes

Found this anger on the WoW Mage Forums:
You win blizzard I give up on mage... 11/16/2010 11:07:14 PM PST
Moncheche this patch we are nerfed again....yet in a BG a pallies shield is crit hitting me for 6k when he is lvl 75. A rogue is dominating BG from lvl 10 on.....and now I blink is so bugged I cannot blink out of any of the 1000 stuns you give other I quit....3 lvls from 80 and I am so sick of this. Whenever mages get a boost up to the damage that we should be doing you listen to ever other class and nerf us. Don't worry about 29 rogues ambushing in BGs for that is not a problem, the problem is a mage at 77 has a spell that at 2.5 sec cast time might crit for 5k. Don't worry about pallies one shotting people with the shield at 29....nope....mages can possibly get the time to get 4 AB stored up. You wanna make things fair?? Okay how about this....

  1. Any stun....don't care if it is a pally hammer or sap or cheap shot or kidney shot or charge or (seeing the point here?) gets immediately dropped when you damage the stunned victim.
  2. Drop the saving grace from vanish and make it a 50's spell....heck you made Blizzard that high!
  3. FIX BLINK!! It has been bugged since day 1....
  4. If you are going to reduce our damage then reduce our casting time
  5. Let spellsteal steal any buff...not limited to (OMG you cannot steal a pally bubble)....
I could go on....but why? ain't going to fix I just going to lvl a pally, lock or rogue since those classes are apparantly all you care about
Naturally he gets a few "WTF are you talking about?!" to which he replies:
I wish...I really wish it was something that I am not seeing or doing....

It might even be the fact that I am not lvl 80.....but when you get so fed up with not being able to do anything until lvl gets depressing.

Life in this game starts at lvl 1, not 80. Pre-80 you aren't going to BG....period. Oh sure you can, but don't expect to do anything. Either your dead before you can get the spell off...or whatever you are casting at is dead before the spell goes off. This even applies to dungeons as well. Sure on Bosses we get some decent DPS, but trash mobs you aren't going to touch with anything but instant cast.

There isn't a class that I can duel pre-80 that won't stomp a mudhole in me, unless that person is either afk or braindead.

Warriors.....we cannot get away from, might gain a few secs if your frost spec'd....but thats it.

Rogues....forget it....ambush, vanish, ambush....your dead

Pally...don't try, your either fighting a stun/shield, or a holy one that just uses his seals to heal himself up without being able to counterspell it. you up, fear, heal, repeat

Druid...Cat form....then see rogues entry aren't getting a non-instant spell off....forget it

DK....about the same as warriors, just a lil faster to grave

Shaman....well our aoes hit everything.....oh wait....totems don't take aoes since they aren't...wait....why again wouldn't a totem get hit with an aoe....oh right....totems are apparently in a magical world where aoe hit everything but them.

hunters.....ya i got poly off on pet....but now I'm dead.....oh I got the hunter poly'd.....but now I'm dead from the pet....

So again....without bringing UI's or any outside programs into the does a mage survive??
The following response could definitely come in handy!


[ x ] Moron
[ x ] Loser
[ ] Ganker
[ ] 12 Year Old
[ ] Twink
[ ] Troll
[ ] Level 2 Alt
[ ] l337 d00d
[ x ] Whiner
[ x] Fruit of the Stupid Tree
[ ] Other

You are being flamed because:
[ ] You forgot to search.
[ ] You posted a "Class is Overpowered" thread.
[ x ] You need to learn to play your class.
[ x ] You need to learn to play the game.
[ x ] You have no concept of class balance.
[ x ] You're just an idiot.
[ x ] You posted a Omg-i-got-killed thread.
[ x ] Your model brain is defective, leave until you have one that works.
[ ] You have an unhealthy fixation on horses.
[ ] You lost a fight to my class and came here to cry about it.
[ ] Someone told you my class was easy to beat, you found out otherwise, and now you're complaining.
[ x ] You posted a total lack of understanding about my class.
[ x] You posted a total lack of understanding about your class.
[ ] You don't know which forum to post in.
[ x] You made a ridiculous claim.
[ x ] I don't like your tone of voice.
[ ] You fell from "the tree."
[ ] You posted false information.
[ x ] You just plain suck.
[x ] Your balls are only of random weight.
[ ] You are not civilized enough to post in these forums.
[ ] You mispeled evry sengle wurd.
[x ] Youhavenotlearnedthe?pointofpuncuationsuch?asspacingcommasandper?iods.
[ ] You are too stupid to argue with.
[ ] You are extraordinarily bad at [detecting ()/posting ()] sarcasm.

In punishment, you must:
[ ] Play a paladin to level 80.
[ ] /delete yourself
[ ] Suffer at least three nerfs.
[ ] Play a FULL prot spec Warrior to 80.
[ ] Drink out of a spitoon.
[ x] Fetch me a shrubbery.
[ ] Go aggro the murloc.
[ ] Spend an entire day in Barrens general chat.
[ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum.
[ xxxxxxxxxxxx ] Get to 80. Then QQ
[ ] All of the above.

In closing, I'd like to say:
[ x ] Learn to play
[ x ] Never post again.
[ ] I've found more intelligent things floating in the toilet.
[x ] STFU.
[ ] Learn to post.
[ ] Learn to read.
[ x ] No one cares.
[ ]Post this nonsense with your main.
[ ] Tranny scum!
[ ] The Paladin forums are that way ------>
[ ] All of the above.

Thank you, have a nice day.

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