Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mildly Innappropriate

So someone on vent was laughing at one of the deaths, saying “You got so duffed on that.” Was a term I'd never heard of yet before I could ask, one of the Aussies chimed in with, “Duffed means something pretty different down here.” So I was off to Urban Dictionary where I copied the second, hilarious definition into raid chat:
Duffed (v) - The act of getting used and or manipulated by an attractive, mentally unstable person of the opposite sex. Unfortunately this includes an abundance of flirting, profound mixed messages, and sexual innuendos that don't actually lead to SEX, merely the illusion that it will. The Duff usually ends by the Duff-er getting back together with their original girl/boyfriend, leaving the duff-ee with a killer case of blue balls/dry-gina.
Definitely caused the raid to skip a beat but was worth it.

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