Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wow WoW

Head is still spinning from all the changes. Aenara is doing insane Moonkin damage and pulling aggro off instance tanks with ease, single-target and on packs. Didn't end up reforging anything as I was right on with hit. Mana was a slight problem. Will see how things go in raid tonight if everyone is ready. Could get Grid running so I refused to try out my healing spec in a pug. Really like the flaura spawn from Swiftmend though. *smile*

Faerune has fared pretty well. Too much talking and reading to get the tanking configured (SO MANY CDs NOW!) yet Frost DPS is looking pretty amazing. The built-in Power Auras made reacting to Rime and Killing Machine procs very easy. It's sad that KM doesn't affect Howling Blast anymore, but DPS was fine. Pulled instance aggro a number of times so not looking forward to tanking.

Biggest problem with loading Professions, namely Inscription and Jewel Crafting. I suppose everyone needs those right now so it's taking a toll on the servers. Sure is frustrating. Takes a few minutes for the categories and cuts/glyphs to load, especially in Dalaran. My gouging plan didn't really work with Glyphs. I didn't realize that they work like spells now... once you learn one, you never need it again! Did sell a bunch of Druid and Rogue ones at inflated prices. But it wasn't worth the time and materials. I'm going to have to make a bunch for my toons, and they bumped up the cost of each glyph from 1 to 3 Ink of the Seas.

Still have so much to figure out not even sure where to begin. I really need Grid to work, so I'll prolly start there. Then maybe Favor? Scheme? Feraline? Sloosh? *sigh*

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