Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4.0 Druid -- Boomkin with Int, Resto with no Tree

With the big patch out today I'm looking at a solid week of reviewing all ten toons. Both fun and tedious, but I need to get it done fast. If I'm going to switch mains then I'll want to alert the guild right away. So Aenara is first.


Druid: Balance PvE (updated for 4.0.1)
*Patch 4.0 Guide*
Moonkin Guide 4.0.1



  • Heard some interesting mana arguments (post 80) where it might make sense to drop Owlkin Frenzy if it's not getting triggered enough by mob mechanics along with skipping Blessing of the Grove. This allows four points that can be put into Moonglow and Furor (MMO Champion)
  • Eclipse. The base Eclipse bonus is 25%, and the 12% from Total Eclipse stacks on top of that. The damage bonus is multiplicative. Spells provide Eclipse energy when they land. Eclipse ends after the cast that takes you to 0 energy; the last spell is still affected.
  • Moonfury: Damage increase stacks multiplicatively. Due to the odd critical bonus stacking rules, the total crit bonus for affected spells if you use a Chaotic meta is 209%.
  • Balance of Power: Your base Spirit is not included in the hit rating conversion, only bonus Spirit (green number in the tooltip).
  • Sunfire: Identical to Moonfire in all respects except appearance and damage type. Affected by Glyph of Moonfire, Glyph of Starfire, Genesis, Lunar Shower, Nature's Grace, and Shooting Stars. Sunfire and Moonfire overwrite each other on the same target. There is currently a bug where Sunfire has a base tick rate of 3s instead of 2s, and is not affected by haste.
  • Lunar Shower: If you don't have the buff, it only appears when you cast Moonfire or Sunfire. Once the buff is on you, it stacks and refreshes whenever you move. So if you are not moving and cast two consecutive Moonfires, the second will be affected by one stack of the buff, but to go higher, you need to move.
  • Heart of the Wild: Stacks multiplicatively with Mark of the Wild.

Resulting Spell Coefficients and Damage Multipliers

Overall damage multiplier (Nature/Arcane): 1.08 (Earth and Moon) * 1.02 (Earth and Moon) * 1.03 (Arcane Empowerment) * 1.25 (Moonfury) * 1.1 (Moonkin Form) * 1.02 (Balance of Power)= 1.591.
Haste multiplier, before haste rating: 1.05 (Moonkin Form). Multiply this by (1 + HasteRating/3279) to obtain final haste ratio.
Crit Chance: 5% (Leader of the Pack) + 5% (Improved Scorch) = 10%, added to whatever you see reported in your character sheet (Nature's Majesty is included there already).


Hit rating/Spirit:
Haste rating:
Critical strike rating:
Mastery rating:

Stat Value Caps

Hit: Against a level 83 target, with all buffs, we need 446 hit rating (17%) to cap at 100%. To check your hit rating, just mouse over it on your character sheet--it already includes the bonus hit from Balance of Power. Against an 82, 81, or 80 target, the caps are 158, 132, and 105 rating respectively.

Haste: Now that Wrath is a 2s base cast, it cannot run up against the 1s GCD minimum at any reasonable level of haste. There is a weak haste cap where the GCD hits 1.0s with Nature's Grace active. This requires 1.5/(1.05*1.15) - 1 = 24.22% haste, or 795 haste rating.

At certain levels of haste, our DoT's gain extra ticks. With 3/3 Genesis and Moonkin Form, and no Glyph of Starfire, they get an 11th tick at 365 haste rating, a 12th tick at 712 rating, and a 13th tick at 1059 rating. When affected by Nature's Grace, the 14th tick comes at 493 rating, the 15th tick at 795 rating, and the 16th tick at 1097 rating.

Overall, these softcaps are far less important than in WLK. Only the hit cap should be a significant factor in gear selection.

Reforging allows you to change 40% of one secondary stat on an item into another secondary stat that's not already present. As noted above, the usual order of secondary stats by value is:
  1. Spirit (technically better than Hit since it can occasionally give you mana).
  2. Hit rating (until cap).
  3. Haste rating.
  4. Crit rating.
  5. Mastery rating.

You should reforge whichever is the lowest-ranked stat on item up to the highest-ranked one that it doesn't already have. The only situation that's not obvious is when the hit cap is involved. If you need hit, reforge crit/mastery to hit on pieces that have those stats first, before you reforge haste. If you have excess hit, reforge hit/Spirit to haste wherever possible.

Red: Brilliant Cardinal Ruby (+20 Intellect)
Yellow: Reckless Ametrine (+12 Spell Power and +10 Haste Rating)
Blue: Purified Dreadstone (+12 Spell Power and +10 Spirit)


Lunar eclipse increases the damage of
  • Starfire
  • Moonfire
  • Starfall
  • Starsurge

Solar eclipse increases the damage of:
  • Wrath
  • Insect Swarm
  • Sunfire
  • Typhoon
  • Starsurge
  • Hurricane


Balance Power Tracker

Not Yet Updated for Cata


YouTube Arythorn has a few PTR videos on the DPS rotations and output
The Moonkin Repository
Druid Resource list for 4.0.1


*Patch 4.0 Guide*



Still sad over the changes to resto so I'm going to put this off. Regrowth has been destroyed. Only one Lifebloom can be out. Treeform is on a CD. No more ticking poison removal.

There are good things. All the hots can crit. Treeform effects are great. Remove Corruption is an all-in-wonder like Shaman.

I'll prolly be main healing on the shaman at this point.

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