Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Patch Notes Official Bitching

Since the patch notes are now up on the Official Site I decided to do some bitching…

Flexible Raid Lock System
I love how they make this sound positive when it's fucking us. It should really read, "You need to choose 10man or 25man raiding. If you go with a pug and they melt after the first boss, you're fucked for the whole week. Time to find a guild, loser. Enjoy."

The Chill of the Throne effect has been removed.
In other words, if you can't get a Kingslayer title now, just fucking stop.

Ammo has been removed from the game.
More cries of anguish from the RP'ers.

Spells and abilities no longer have multiple ranks and now scale with character level.
Well about time. Why wasn't this done when Downranking was nerfed?

Resilience no longer reduces the chance a player will be critically hit by an opponent.
Wasn't mana-drain reduction also nerfed? I thought all resil did now was reduce player and player-pet caused damage.

Item Durability: cloth, leather, and mail now have as many points of durability as plate, making the repair cost on death much closer to equal for all classes.
Hahah! Now it's not just the plate tanks complaining.

Spell Alerts have been added to notify players when procs on select spells and abilities occur.
Blizz stealing more functionality from the AddOn community. Yay for built-in Power Auras!

New Raid frames are now available. They can also be used in place of the standard 5-player party interface via the User Interface options.
As Godly as Grid? Doubtful.

It's surprisingly short for a patch of this scope but then "Many class talents, spells, and abilities have been overhauled, added, or removed." does cover a lot of ground. Still can't believe Kings is going to overwrite my Mark now. Heh.

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