Thursday, October 23, 2008

After the Novelty

On's wiki entry on Boosting I noticed a link to their forums entitled: 1-60 in 1 day 10 hours. Basically it was commentary around a message on the WoW forums that began with
Gundude < Grizzly > Destromath

This hunter at lvl 61 - 1 bar from 62 has 2 days / played. Normally I get to 70 just under 4 days slash played. If really trying I'm sure it would be possible to hit 60 in 20 hours and 70 in 2 days 20 hours slash played.

The secret?


Make your way to lvl 8 then go to RFC or Deadmines. Invite a full group (for full xp bonus) then have your lvl 70 mage friend AoE it. Enjoy lvling every 10-15 mins.

At 20.... go to SM Cath/Arm (switch between them and reset) Continue this process until lvl 40. Enjoy lvls every 30-45mins. (Use a mage with mana absorbtion to AoE it, keep a full group for full xp bonus)

At 40....go to ZF. You need to learn the pulls if using a 70 mage to AoE. LoS big groups then AoE. Make sure you have healers to in your party to heal the mage - lvling past 40 requires healers to be in the group. ALSO IMPORTANT - Bring a class such as a Druid to moonfire healing totems the trolls drop, this must be done or you will die. Enjoy lvling every 40-55mins.

At 50...go to LBRS. Now use a WARRIOR*** Warrior smashes the instance with a 2 hand and flexes. Bring a full group with healers. I perfer to bring a feral druid to say in feral form so the warrior gets 5% extra crit and heals himself. Shamans for heals and WF totem will increase your speed at clearing the instance as well. I do a set route and skip much of the instance but maintain a very fast lvl pace. Enjoy lvls every 50-60mins.

At 55....go to Ramparts. Still using a warrior - aim for the same group setup (leader of pack/WF totem/heals). Rampart runs should be 20-25 mins long and at 120k+ a hour xp is wonderfull. Enjoy lvls every 50-70 mins.

60+ I stop power lvling and enjoy questing in the outlands. Your call. Ramparts will still give 110k+ xp an hour up until lvl 64.
I don't really see the warrior happening in LBRS. The Feral druid in the group is an interesting idea. Still, there's no knowing what classes you're leveling; it's totally possible to not have a healer at all. That hole aside, his post generated eleven pages of feedback that was mostly “I want to do this!” or “the real question here is have you ever touched a snatch in your life” yet there was one handy expansion by Felsik of Drenden:
Frost shield up, rank 1 arcane explosion keeps them on you. Use mage armor instead of ice armor, you don't want frostbite procing all over the place and freezing those lowbie mobs behind you.

The easy dungeons, like RFC through to about SM armory you can do massive pulls with this style, just make sure the lowbies being powerleveled stay close, since you'll be moving very far through the instance with alot of mobs on you.

Usually there will be caster types, so when you want to 'stop' to perform the mass AOE kill, you LOS the group just around a wall so casters are forced to chase. Thats when you frost nova, cone of cold, and start spamming max rank arcane explosions for the kill.
While I'm having a lot of fun running the pack around on my own right now, I could see doing this for a second team. Since my main account is full I could use Decimate to run instances for four new ones on the other accounts. Will probably want a stronger machine to handle that level of pulling.

There were also suggestions that a Prot Pally could pull the whole armory. Favor doesn't have the gear but it might be fun to look into. Even just once it might be fun to see that level of destruction. At level 80 I'm sure it would be trivial.

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