The most complicated macro I came up with was:
/cast [target=focus, nodead, harm, exists] Lightning Bolt; [target=focus, nodead, help, exists, combat] Healing Wave; [target=focus, nodead, help, exists] Healing WaveReally didn't use it at all but had fun testing it. One they hit Level 20 I'll substitute the first Healing Wave for Lesser Healing Wave. Basically it throws a Lightning Bolt on the focus target if it's a live enemy. Otherwise it will heal a friendly target quickly if in combat or huge if out-of-combat. Figure it will work well for watching a tank or multiple targets.
One huge problem is losing a slave. There have been many a time when I get to my destination only to notice one of them has been left way behind. I noticed the 3.0.2 interface does have a “Fade if Out of Range” option for unit frames, but apparently it only works on the pull-out raid frames. Stupid. I think I'm going to use Grid on the Master since I'm used to ranging people on it.

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