Instead of being focused on Sloosh, Fearce has gotten the attention this week. In my current circle of friends we're lacking a tank so I've been motivated. Made some real progress. Got a run through The Mechanar done on Tuesday where I picked up a Thoriumweave Cloak and the key fragment for How to Break Into the Arcatraz. Last night I suggested to Ladaron and Rool we get our Ogri'la quests done. I brought both Sloosh and Fearce along then we picked up a random Paladin, Apeec, who was begging for a group by the quest-giver ogre. Turns out we need five people for one of the summons so it worked out well.
Once we were crowned and checking out Ogri'La, Ladaron and Rool had to take off so I decided to see what the drop rate on apexis crystals was—not so great. It took probably twenty-five kills to get the ten I needed for the initial quest. I suppose that ratio isn't bad, but with Fearce being Protection and Sloosh a robot, it's slow going. I did get a Depleted Staff to drop in my little farming session. With fifty crystals it becomes a tradeable Flaming Quartz Staff which seems a waste of crystals at the moment.
After turning in the crystals I hearthed back to Shattrath and decided to join a Bot pug with Fearce. I was a little dubious with two hunters, a DPS warrior, and a tree Druid but we managed to do quite well. I've gotten quite familiar with The Botanica over the last week so I got them to push to the end. Was very fortunate to pick up the Aegis of the Sunbird that I've wanted for a while now plus the Revenger that I probably won't use. The defensive stats on the Crystalline Kopesh are still too compelling. Managed to down Warp Splinter so I got the Arcatraz key made plus picked up the Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard. Going to enchant the cloak with armor though I'm not sure on the shield. Extra block might be the way to go but more health is always a good thing.
The Warrior gear checklist is looking pretty good. Once Fearce picks up a breastplate, another ring, and some trinkets she'll be ready to tank some ass. *snicker* Kind of wish I'd tracked her progress over the last week as it would really illustrate what little life I have outside of Azeroth.