Thursday, January 24, 2008

Worked Some Warsong

The 29 bracket is definitely more fun than the 19. It's nice to have access to both Warsong and Arathi Basin plus their related gear. The Rogue is still very strong with dodge and critical strikes. While mitigation has gone done having 2k life unbuffed helps me go toe-to-toe with Warriors. Hunters and Ice Mages continue to be my biggest problem.

Joined a guild I saw someone spamming about in trade. Twink guild that targets 29. They apparently need more regular healers and I was thinking about a paladin though I haven't mentioned it yet. The guy I talked with was mostly happy with my gear, suggesting the WSG sword with a +15 agi on it then the AB belt to replace my Deviate Scale. Really don't think the extra AP is worth the loss in crit and life, but I will try it for a while.

First game went really well. The horde wasn't well twinked or organized, so I spent a lot of time farming. My PvP addon had me at "Godlike" four times. *snicker* Still wish I knew which addon tracks kills like that. Anyway. Was top of the leaderboard in kills though a Horde Warlock managed to barely sneak ahead of my damage.

Won the second game fairly quickly after I killed the Horde flag carrier. Took me three tries to kill the Priest who was healing him. The smart druid made a bee line for the graveyard—to no avail. =) Third game was with some of my new guildies: Pillowpants (Hunter), Bonus (Warrior), and a Druid healer. Went pretty well with Pillowpants on top of kills and damage. Everyone jetted after that game, which was fine. Time for bed.

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