Joined a guild I saw someone spamming about in trade. Twink guild that targets 29. They apparently need more regular healers and I was thinking about a paladin though I haven't mentioned it yet. The guy I talked with was mostly happy with my gear, suggesting the WSG sword with a +15 agi on it then the AB belt to replace my Deviate Scale. Really don't think the extra AP is worth the loss in crit and life, but I will try it for a while.
First game went really well. The horde wasn't well twinked or organized, so I spent a lot of time farming. My PvP addon had me at "Godlike" four times. *snicker* Still wish I knew which addon tracks kills like that. Anyway. Was top of the leaderboard in kills though a Horde Warlock managed to barely sneak ahead of my damage.

Won the second game fairly quickly after I killed the Horde flag carrier. Took me three tries to kill the Priest who was healing him. The smart druid made a bee line for the graveyard—to no avail. =) Third game was with some of my new guildies: Pillowpants (Hunter), Bonus (Warrior), and a Druid healer. Went pretty well with Pillowpants on top of kills and damage. Everyone jetted after that game, which was fine. Time for bed.
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