Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some More Health

Shadowshot managed to get in one game before RL got in the way. It was all about farming mid-field until the Horde started with some Defense on the final capture. So down I went for the grab. The run back went pretty well despite being under 1k health still. Sat atop the base at my favorite spot when some level 11 druid got friendly:

Took a few minutes before the mid-field finally rallied to return our flag. Managed to get down for the final cap a few feet ahead of a too-slow Rogue. Even with cooling my heels for the last five minutes of the game, I was still top in damage and tied for top kills.

The most delicious moment was squaring off with Shadowcurse near the Alliance tunnel entry. It was obvious that he out-geared me yet I saw him first so up went Hunter's Mark. He was too close for a Charge yet I got the Wing Clip in early. Poor guy must have been so pissed as we bouncy-jousted; I was two-thirds health when I looted his corpse. *evil lol*

After RL, got a few more games. All three that Shadowshot got in were already in progress with the Horde in the lead. *sigh* Decided to another Deadmines run in before heading to bed—for another goddam Cape of the Brotherhood. *sigh x2* This has been the hardest character to gear, but I won't relent until he's wearing Blackened Defias Armor.

Finally got Aenara to attach the Clefthide Leg Armor to some Dark Leather Pants this morning so the Hunter's Health went from 948 to 1168 unbuffed. She can't make Nethercleft Leg Armor yet because she doens't have the Cenarion Rep. Might have to ask a friend because I'm sure it's insanely priced in the AH. Still have no bracers on so I must get that taken care of tonight.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First Night of Killing

Had a pretty good run for a few hours last night. At 18 I'm still using the Hand of Argus Crossfire so my DPS isn't that great. I don't have anything enchanted yet so I'm around 750 Health unbuffed. And I've only been using the 140-180 Lesser Healing Potions. Yet I managed to joust a number of people, making some enemies in the process. I was laughing out loud constantly at Warriors who had no hope. Or constantly refreshing Hunter's Mark on Rogues that ganked me only to find them once I rezzed.

The first game out I went for kills and damage. Ended up second in kills and third in damage despite my gear! That game I also found a Hunter to inspire me: Lolwingclip. She had top in kills and damage plus she's on my server. Just checked on the Armory though and she's not there. Great name though as Wing Clip is the best skill evar. Whenever I'm going to die, everything around me gets some Wing Clip'age. *giggle*

The next five or six games I started playing defense. I park the pig under the balcony, plant an Immolation Trap on the flag, then Shadowmeld somewhere random in the flag room. Usually it's some hot worm who comes charging in with the speed buff. If my concussive shot misses, the pig will usually get them. Then they're Wing Clipped until dead. *lol* In all the games only one uberRogue managed to get past me.

The one class that gave me trouble were Druids. Shifting allows them to drop my speed impediments plus the twinks have a lot of health, so I wasn't taking them down fast enough. But I'd just wait for my Concussive Shot cooldown and recall the pig for another charge. Close in for more Wing Clipping. It was odd but I never saw many Horde pallies, so Blessing of Freedom wasn't a problem. And the druids... well, it's my own damn fault for forgetting that Scare Beast is now instant with a thirty yard range!! *face palm* Things will be different for my fuzzy Druid opponents this evening.

Such good times. Even writing this now I'm laughing about how OP Hunters are in this bracket.

One astonishing discovery I made was getting killed repeatedly by Forgetdps… a Troll Priest wielding the Gravestone Scepter!! Every site I've checked said that BFD quest could not be attained until in the low 20s, but she had it! Naturally she did Wand Specialization for the extra 25% damage and was tearing people apart. Managed to kill her on my third rez with help from a Rogue.

I made another, less exciting, discovery last night. I enjoy starting camp fires while waiting for the gates to open. Still only 41 skill in Cooking and when the fire was lit, I skilled up! I wonder how high lighting fires can take your skill?

Had to add another line item to my “Other” list: Dartol's Rod of Transformation! *doh* Second or third game there was a Priest that used it; I still have that thing on a few of my 70's… can't believe I forgot it! I have to do it quick too because I only have three bubbles left in 18. I did manage to get a Deadmines run in where I picked up an Emberstone Staff but I still need Blackened Defias Armor. If I try for a Leggings of the Fang and a Girdle of the Blindwatcher, it could be a lot of experience.

Still having difficulty deciding on the third pet. The Deviate Viper is so gorgeous and the Poison Spit is amusing. Yet I really want a flyer. The Deviate Dread Fang is really pretty too plus Petopia shows then with a 7% DPS bonus, so I'll probably grab one when the Hunter hits 19. The Boar is really the only pet I must have, so I suppose I could just drop the Ravager. See what happens.

Had to do some Pet Skill research as I've completely ignored picking them up. At 19, I need to have:
  • Bite 3: Bloodsnout Worg (16-17, Silverpine Forest); Wood Lurker (17-18, Loch Modan)
  • Charge 2: Young Goretusk (12-13, Westfall); Goretusk (14-15, Westfall); Great Goretusk (16-17, Westfall)
  • Claw 3: Black Bear Patriarch (16-17, Loch Modan); Shore Crawler (17-18, Westfall); Den Mother (18-19, Darkshore)
  • Cower 2: Savannah Patriarch (15-16, The Barrens); Ornery Plainstrider (16-17, The Barrens); Giant Foreststrider (17-19, Darkshore); Moonstalker Sire (17-18, Darkshore)
  • Furious Howl 1: Coyote Packleader (11-12, Westfall)
  • Gore 3: Great Goretusk (16-17, Westfall)
For tonight, I would like to get the Engineering skilled up for the goggles and another run for the Defias chest. Maybe some enchants. We'll see. Must do more killing. *evil grin*

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hunter Twinking in the Teens

Running with the Lowbies

The teen bracket is definitely fun. There's a lack of bullshit. Without mounts, limited mobilty means shit isn't getting away and even organzied players can't be everywhere at once. No plate armor. Each class has parts of their defining characteristics, but nothing deterministic.
  • Druids can't Stealth, cheetah away like pussies, Innervate, or instaUberHeal.
  • Hunters can't aim shot, mana drain, flare, feign or move fast.
  • Mages can't PoM/Pyro, Ice Block, or Slow.
  • Paladins don't have their uber bubble, can't cleanse magic, nor can they DPS.
  • Priests miss their serious healing or damage specs, can't Mind Flay, and can't Mind Control.
  • Rogues can't double Sprint, nub-Cloak or use Poison.
  • Shaman can't dual weild, only have two types of totems, nor can they go wolf, and no goddam Frost Shock!
  • Warlocks can't go DoT wild, have no AoE fear, miss out on Nubcoil, and have the semi-useless PvP pets.
  • Warriors can't charge if they're in combat nor can they silence.
An extravagently geared character can rock shit hardcore since each class isn't at full strength.

Why a Hunter?

I find Druids and Rogues very formidable in the teen bracket and Warlocks to a degree, yet I observe Hunters constantly dominating. Their ranged damage infrequently misses and does considerable physical damage, which isn't resistable and is hardly mitigated with limited armor ratings. Multishot spreads this to three adjacent targets every ten seconds. Concussive Shot, Wing Clip, and Boar charge are incredible for flag recovery. The Immolation trap is a pleasant surprise for Rogues. With high Agility and Aspect of the Monkey, Mongoose Bite can be mean with a good top-end weapon. Plus the pet's stats scale with the twinking gear… it's like facing two twinks at once!!

Talents for the Hunter were pretty easy to decide on. Under survival, three points went immediately into Hawk Eye for the extra six yards of range. No other class can touch me when I start killing them. The next five points went into Marksmanship's Lethal Shots. This was a debatable expendature since the gear will be making the crit% high already, but it's a solid DPS increase. The final two points went into Beast Mastery's Improved Aspect of the Hawk. The chance to proc is 10% with a twelve second duration regardless, so the two points provide a 6% increase in attack speed. It might be wise to move 3% from crit to push this up to the 15% haste maximum. Casters would die so fast.



It's a foregone conclusion that Hunters have a Boar for PvP. They have enhanced Armor, slightly enhanced Health, and decreased DPS. Yet none of that really matters since they are the only pet that has the Charge skill. Picked up a Longsnout since I wanted the black texture to fit into the shadowy stealth concept.


I really wanted a Dragonhawk but when I snuck into the Undercity, I couldn't click on the transporter to Silvermoon City! Didn't have any Warlock friends to pop the Hunter up to Zul'Aman, so I decided to grab the other BC newbie pet, a Ravager. They have very enhanced DPS, slightly enhanced Armor, and decreased Health. The drop in Health is easily mitigated by my twinked Stamina. Picked up a Ravager Specimen in the Dranei newbie area since there are no dark textures available.

Third Pet: TBD



( ) Green Tinted Goggles
( ) Lucky Fishing Hat


( ) Sentinel's Medallion


( ) Serpent's Shoulders


(√) Miner's Cloak
( ) Sentry Cloak


( ) Blackened Defias Armor
(√) Tunic of Westfall
(√) Armor of the Fang


( ) Forest Leather Bracers


( ) Blackened Defias Gloves
(√) Gloves of the Fang


(√) Blackened Defias Belt
(√) Belt of the Fang
(√) Deviate Scale Belt
( ) Girdle of the Blindwatcher


(√) Blackened Defias Leggings
(√) Smelting Pants
( ) Leggings of the Fang
(√) Dark Leather Pants


(√) Blackened Defias Boots
(√) Footpads of the Fang
(√) Feet of the Lynx


(√) Seal of Wrynn
( ) Protector's Band


( ) Insignia of the Alliance
( ) Arena Grand Master


(√) Thief's Blade
(√) Buzzer Blade
(√) Tail Spike
( ) Taskmaster Axe
(√) Emberstone Staff
( ) Sentinel's Blade
( ) Protector's Sword
( ) Lorekeeper's Staff
( ) Twisted Chanter's Staff


(√) Hand of Argus Crossfire
(√) Venomstrike
( ) Lil Timmy's Peashooter
( ) Outrunner's Bow


(√) 17 Pound Catfish
(√) Chicken Egg
(√) Quiver of the Night Watch
( ) Silverwing Battle Tabard
( ) Dartol's Rod of Transformation