Tuesday, March 4, 2008

And So It Begins

Tonight was Virulence's first taste of Alterac Valley. New to Horde I wasn't sure where the quests were found so the first game was naturally a win. Flew out to Tarren Mill and found the camp to the Northeast. The second game was, of course, a loss. Yet the third game was a win, so I was able to get the very handy Wand of Biting Cold.

In the third game Virulance also managed to find the gnoll caves for the Frostwolf Insignia quest. They are a lot more densely packed than the Alliance's harpies. At 51, she had no hope of soloing the quest but there were two other people working towards the banner, a 56 Warlock, Omgdots, and a 55 Paladin. We wiped once but managed to run back before respawns.

At 51 Virulence was getting singled out and owned with relative ease. Did get a few kills in though and was painfully reminded how important an instant Howl of Terror is. Still, in an hour-and-a-half she'd picked up seven AV tokens and 895 honor. Going to be so much more… soon!

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