Wednesday, March 5, 2008

First Step in Arathi Basin

Virulence, now 52, decided to try the Arathi Basin daily. Was a little rough as it took ten minutes for the queue to pop and when the game started, we only had four on our team. But, as usual, Horde rocked it. We held four nodes until we had over 1200 resources and Alliance never recovered. *shock* Such a good feeling.

Still pretty frail, Virulence did the usual bait thing. Dot someone up to piss them off then run back to a group. The target usually follows in hopes of insta-killing the clothie but they rarely made it. So much fun. Sadly I'm not used to playing an Undead and would forget to break fears. Yet I did remember to eat nearby corpses. *snicker*

So in less than thirty minutes Virulence had three AB tokens, 100 rep with The Defilers, another 70 silver, and over 400 honor. This is the good life.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Gearing Lock Up for PvP Domination

Virulence will be in the top of the 59 bracket within the next week so it's time to start gathering gear. Thanks to Outland pieces it's no longer necessary to plumb the depths of instances or quest mightily. Just hit the AH.

Slot Stamina Sorcerer Other
Head 62, 63 59, 66 57, 62, 69, 70
Neck   68 58, 61
Shoulder 59, 65 59, 69 69
Back     55
Chest 59, 59, 62, 67 57, 63, 68  
Wrist 67 63 59, 60, 64, 67, 69
Hands 59, 61 63, 68, 70  
Waist 57, 58, 59, 66 59 60
Legs 57, 67, 69 63, 63 59, 60, 70
Feet 59. 69 66 63, 69
Rings 61, 63 64 60, 60
1h 58, 59, 60   60, 67
Wand 59 62 59

Virulence is heavy Affliction but will be collecting both sets in case her spec changes after feeling out the various BGs Horde-side. The Other category is for Eagle, Whale or Protection items that will serve as temporary fillers. Numbers in Bold mean the item is actually in the bank, in inventory or being worn.

And So It Begins

Tonight was Virulence's first taste of Alterac Valley. New to Horde I wasn't sure where the quests were found so the first game was naturally a win. Flew out to Tarren Mill and found the camp to the Northeast. The second game was, of course, a loss. Yet the third game was a win, so I was able to get the very handy Wand of Biting Cold.

In the third game Virulance also managed to find the gnoll caves for the Frostwolf Insignia quest. They are a lot more densely packed than the Alliance's harpies. At 51, she had no hope of soloing the quest but there were two other people working towards the banner, a 56 Warlock, Omgdots, and a 55 Paladin. We wiped once but managed to run back before respawns.

At 51 Virulence was getting singled out and owned with relative ease. Did get a few kills in though and was painfully reminded how important an instant Howl of Terror is. Still, in an hour-and-a-half she'd picked up seven AV tokens and 895 honor. Going to be so much more… soon!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Timbermaw... AGAIN

Virulence hit 49 over the weekend so it was off to Felwood for the ever-so-fun Timbermaw Hold grind. This will be the fifth character to exalted so the process is pretty well defined.

Picked up Timbermaw Ally to kill the right amount of each Deadwood Furbolg. Turned it in right away so further killing might include Deadwood Headdress Feathers as loot. Upon reaching 51 this morning, Virulence now has 121 feathers and is 220 into Friendly. So here's something else to track.

Kills are tracked for regular furbolgs (10 rep per) with a goal of reaching Revered. This will be softened by random names being killed and some of the quests being completed. Once Revered it takes 140 turn-ins of either five feathers or five Winterfall Spirit Beads to hit Exalted. This requires a total of 700 feathers or beads.

Date/Time Faction Progress
5:05 PM 2008-Mar-03 Friendly (220/6000) [1778 kills to Revered, 17.3% turn-in]
5:10 PM 2008-Mar-04 Friendly (3550/6000) [1445 kills to Revered, 30.3% turn-in]
6:11 PM 2008-Mar-07 Honored (9270/12000) [273 kills to Revered, 72.3% turn-in]

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday Morning Killings

1. Penny Arcade: ?, ?, ?; -15 (1585)
2. B U R N: Eronwe, Xade, Bloodscalp; +13 ()
3. Grilled Pringles N Chees: Silenttreble, Tume, Suramar; +16 ()
4. Tobacconist: Cymraeg, Cherek, Stormscale; -17 ()
5. HuDr: Coldhart, Torekrage, Bloodscalp; +14 ()
6. Quicken: Draknov, Sassar, Feathermoon; -15 ()
7. The Other Half is Killing; Andostre, Khiva, Crushridge; +11 ()
8. We Ebayd; Onslot, Zurii, Stormscale; -17 ()
9. Not so glissy; Fyrrkynn, Unsere, Daggerspine; +15 ()
10. Not so glissy; Fyrrkynn, Unsere, Daggerspine; +13 (1618)